How to build and install Boost.Log?

Update: Boost.Log is now part of the entire set of Boost Libraries since v1.54. The instructions on how to build Boost Log is available here: Configuring and building the Boost Log library

The following instructions are valid only for v1.0 of Boost Log.

This is a brain dump of the method followed by me to install Boost.Log. One important note before you build and install boost libraries: Make sure you have installed a threading library like pthreads. Most package managers should have them.

Now lets get on to the build steps:

  1. If you have installed Boost already from source, then its fine continue to next step. Otherwise download it from here (this link is for latest version as of this writing: v1.45). Extract the boost libraries at say: /opt. We can build the libraries along with Boost.Log.
  2. Download Boost.Log from Sourceforge.
  3. Extract the Boost.Log source archive in a folder – say /opt.
  4. Copy the log folder in: /opt/boost-log-1.0/boost to your boost source directory /opt/Boost_1_45_0/boost (assuming that you have extracted it in /opt).
  5. Copy the log folder in: /opt/boost-log-1.0/libs to your boost libs directory /opt/Boost_1_45_0/libs (assuming that you have extracted it in /opt).
  6. If you haven’t installed other Boost libraries, then follow these steps:
  • cd /opt/Boost_1_45_0
  • --show-libraries — this will list all the libraries that will be built and installed. You should see log listed as part of it.
  • --with-libraries=all --prefix=/usr/local --includedir=/usr/local/include --libdir=/usr/local/lib
  • ./bjam install

Finally make sure $LD_LIBRARY_PATH has /usr/local/lib (the path specified in bjam to install the built libraries) as part of it. If it is not edit your ~/.bashrc and add the following: